Listen & Respond









The FIFA World Cup. The most important sports event of the year. And this year, the event was held in Brazil. A place that’s crazy for soccer and social media. So since Dell wasn’t an official sponsor we approached Dell with a Listen and Respond campaign. We launched a series of conversation starters during and before game days to engage high potential users who were cheering for Brazil on Twitter. Our team would then reply celebrating their emotions, amplified their passion, and reacted to their feelings with handcrafted images, copy and even lyrics, all created and posted in real time.

I was the lead Sr. Digital Art Director for all creative and templated structures for the project, at the end of the day we created over 220 icons that could be instantly inserted to multiple templates for any conversation. During those three weeks we impacted 580,000 users with a 98% Positive Engagement for the brand.

     Icon Samples


Here are a few samples of some of the amazing creative that came out of this great social media opportunity. There was a ton of great illustrative compositions that I had the pleasure to create for some lucky tweeters during the 2014 Fifa World Cup. Also the great news was that there was a total of 98% positive engagement!


Animation Samples

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