Home Depot Next Gen









Tiger Team is a diversified group of experts brought together for a single project, need, or event. They are usually assigned to investigate, solve, build, or recommend possible solutions to unique situations or problems. Here at the Home Depot the thought of created specialized teams was something that had never been done, so with a little black magic we curated our first ever phase of Design Thinking principles. Design thinking is a problem-solving framework that is rooted in empathy and understanding of the person (i.e. the customer) that you are solving the problem for.

We emphasized in understanding the consumer needs across the customer journey (or through the sales funnel) Below are some of our most recent works via various components/modules that would be seen in a customer facing category page.

Design Thinking Phases

The five stages of Design Thinking, are a non-linear process which were proposed by the Hasso-Plattner at the Institute of Design at Stanford. Empathise, Define (the problem), Ideate, Prototype, and Test / Iterate!

Discovery Feedback

To align on our teams wants and pain points we open-mindedly approached each problem with the right questions curious to learn new things with a non-bias towards learning by doing and experimenting within structured workshops documented using Podio, where we categorized lists of all desired widgets/patterns

a Hero Interface

Questions we asked along our Journey:

1 – What problem do we think it solves for the customer?
2 – What business problem, do we use it to solve?
3 – How do people actually use it? (Data?)
4 – How is it built today? (Execution)
5 – How would it ideally be built?


White-boarding Scenarios

Inside 12 Grid

Visual explanation/representation of a complex product/ideas.
Provide breath of assortment/category. Additional adding SEO value.


down the funnel

a Dynamic Pattern Library

While we were Defining our components, we knew we had to achieve a few goals. Mostly to clearly communicate the purpose of each component; While also establishing a clear relationship between modules providing examples of how they are to be used with-in the product.


of a Pattern

Making a
Pattern Library Usable

Finally, we wanted to make our experience delightful and memorable a complete interactive story for our customer no matter the device. Realistically that is our “secret sauce” – the magical appeal that keeps it all together.


Focusing On Components
Isn’t Good Enough

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